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Content Marketing CS

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Join Our Content Marketing Case Study

Content Marketing*


Any business who wants more online exposure, locally or nationally. Or, who finds their marketing too expensive for the results they get.


Use Automation to help the search engines promote your product or service to those who'd otherwise NEVER see it. Quickly and effectively.



In 1.5 months, you'll have either 2X'ed your results, or cut your content marketing spend by 50%.

Within 2-3 weeks of starting this strategy, our eCommerce store started generating sales.

Starting from  



Campaign is structured such that it goes to full price after 3 months. At that point, you WILL get more value than what you started at. When you stay the course, we add extra perks for you. This service is no contracts.

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21-Day Case Study

This is what we've achieved for our own online shop within 21 days of starting this same strategy -- and YES, the increase in visitors has directly resulted in an increase in sales!

(REAL visitor analytics from inside our Clicky dashboard)

Now, What Searches Do People Use To Find Our Store?

Starting from  



Campaign is structured such that it goes to full price after 3 months. At that point, you WILL get more value than what you started at. When you stay the course, we add extra perks for you. This service is no contracts.

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*Conditions apply.
**Price only good until July 15, 2020; afterwards, it will go up to the full price shown.

Credibility & Press


Any great business struggling to stand out from competition in terms of how they appear online. Or, any business who's spent money on press release distribution to no avail.


Get a competitive edge with a story on yourself published on your website plus 30+ ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX, The CW and Telemundo news sites.

And doing so with a system built BY marketers, FOR marketers. A system that makes Google give you the love & credibility you otherwise miss out on in every other service. As a by-product, Google gives you, your brand & your company extra search engine visibility. Even in difficult markets!


Within 30 days, you have increased authority exposure for your personal or business brand when people look you up. They see you as the expert. Articles published by news sites just like what you see below. Not only do you have attachment to news brands -- you "become your own newswire" and your own source of news.

PRNewswire & BusinessWire are best for corporations big enough that CNN and the likes automatically eat up & share every PR they publish. Small businesses don't have that privilege. But thanks to Agency Intelligence, they now have a similar advantage -- at a fraction of the price.

Where Disney & Universal use BusinessWire to get publicity on CNN, EW and Variety, sharing your story through us lets you more easily acquire targeted searches from the people who are looking for you. Even in tough industries.

Stay with us long enough, and our premium distribution (ask us) could eventually give you the credibility that may land you on TV, radio, or podcast interviews.

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Case Study
THIS is what your article will look like on the news sites (yes, this is a real press release we did for a real client, for an event that happened...and which featured Martha Stewart):

Below are results within 3 months of first deploying our press release strategy for a financial advisor marketer.

At the time, the client's website platform didn't have the technology to allow the PR to perform optimally. And as the PR was cross-posted on our site, we ended up outranking our own client!

In 2.5 months, we were on page 3 for various "financial advisor marketing" keywords.

That's not to say anybody else can do that, because by then we already had Expertise, Authority & Trust in the marketing industry -- but none in the financial industry.

AI PR case study 1

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