The “ABC’s of Digital Marketing” is a unique formula that our owner & founder, Alexander Vee, debuted in a 2019 speaking appearance at Nasdaq in Times Square, New York City.
A: Advertising
When you’re marketing yourself organically, it is a must not only to get to the top of one search query, but also to the top of as many search queries as possible. Think about it for a moment – how much more interest could you get when you
widen your targeting, rather than increasing the height of just ONE search?
And yet, you could still get pretty laser-focused on your target audience. When you increase your
vertical visibility, and multiply it horizontally, that’s what gets big media sites, and online newspapers, all the attention. You get the same privilege here.
Search algorithms reward attention. When a viral YouTube video (Video 1) makes a shout-out to another video (Video 2), it piques everyone’s curiosity. They flock to Video 2.
When that happens enough, YouTube’s algorithm senses an
inseparable bond between the 2 videos.
Look at the “Recommended Videos” sidebar on Video 1. Guess what shows up at top… or at least
somewhere?Yep, Video 2.
Also, when you go to Video 2, chances are you’ll
also see Video 1 pop up in the “Recommended” section.
A lot of this is a byproduct of getting promoted by authoritative sources & news sites. Their power will prove to the search engines that you’re a trusted authority.
B: Branding (and Managing Your Online Reputation)Society is more heavily relying on digital businesses. You’ve got to look just as good online as you do offline – as well as
what you do offline for your customers.
Nike occupies many pages of search results for themselves, without any coverage about any other company. That’s what happens when you grow an awesome brand reputation.
C: Content is the King… Content Marketing is the Queen.This ties back into “A,” Advertising. When you distribute fresh & interesting content, it creates attention. Search algorithms reward attention by creating
more attention. Attention begets attention.
Why? Your content educates your potential customers on who you are, what you do, and what makes it
so great for them to be your clients.
To get your content out to the masses, find a partner – like us.
You have the knowledge here. Let us take care of the work. I mean, you’d rather outgrow
us than wait while your DIY marketing outgrows
you, right?